Monday, 2 March 2009

Ladder Safety
WAIT (Work at height, Access equipment, Information, Tool) e-Learning tool

Almost 100 workers every month suffer a serious injury following a fall from a ladder. Most of these accidents are avoidable. Most serious injuries happen in falls from a ladder below head height.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), are currently promoting safe ladder use as part of the WAIT campaign. Inspectors will be visiting sites around the country and where they find 'dodgy' ladders in use or where they are not being used safely, they will take action.

So if your ladder's not up to the job, now's the time to get a new one. Go to Universal Ladders web site to choose from our large selection of ladders and step ladders

1 comment:

  1. Safety is essential thing for every human being. So universal safety ladder is the best ladder. It's also a highest quality ladders. So if you wanna to do painting work and decorating, DIY, trade or industrial use, then buy universal ladder.

    Industrial Fiberglass Ladders
